Courtland Construction are specialists in infrastructure including roads, storm water and pipe work. Think heavy equipment construction. They joke that most of the hard work they do is never seen as after they are finished as it’s covered up again. But, it’s vital.

We took the great CCC branding that was created by Ruthless & Wellington as a guide to design and develop the site with the goal of creating something that reflects (to paraphrase from the owner) “a company that is relatively young and scrappy, but successfully competes with much larger ones. ” So, in considering the typography, photography, video and textures, we imagined excavating a CCC job site and welding these elements together with code and character for a distinct look. If only we had the ability to allow you to smell fresh dirt, asphalt, diesel and concrete while on their site. It’s not all about looks either. Functionally, this site serves as a recruiting tool for potential new employees to easily apply for available jobs.

PS – We learned a cool new term during this project “paver screed”.


Art direction, design and development.